Daniel Nogradi wrote:

> This depends on your arrangements with your web server provider.
> Perhaps you are allowed to ssh into that machine, perhaps not, you
> need to ask your provider. In case you can use ssh, then you can log
> in with putty (an ssh client for windows, grab it from here:
> http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/) and you will have
> a command line on the server so you can run chmod there.

Turns out that my web hosting company provides ssh access on the next 
highest plan and up, but not mine. :)

Oh well, I think I'll explore FileZilla a little more and see if there's 
more of an automated way to do it than just right-clicking each file (or 
even right-clicking multiple files at once, if possible). It shouldn't 
be too big of a deal anyway, but I'm always after more automated ways to 
do things...call me lazy! :)

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