kpp9c wrote:

> I was looking at python & datetime and hoping that it would already
> have a method/func to translate time formats. I need to translate seconds
> to and vice versa and would like the ability to do some basic
> arithmetic in these formats.

Have a look at datetime.timedelta:

from datetime import timedelta

seconds_value = 4237.63
td = timedelta(seconds=seconds_value)

print td    # Shows 1:10:37.630000
print td.seconds    # Shows 4237

other_td = td + timedelta(seconds=13)

print other_td    # Shows 1:10:50.630000
print other_td.seconds    # Shows 4250

> I think that there just has to be a package or module out there that
> already does this with reasonable speed and accuracy.

The accuracy seems perfect, don't know about speed - take some test  :)



We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology,
in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. -- Carl

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