This is great ! ok, i dont really have a lot of time to get into the ORMS (before your post, this is the first i have heard of it) and my stuff is due on Monday. he he.
but, if i am able to make a global db connection, and multiple cursors pointing to the same connection object, how do i pull that off without making new db connections? something like class db(self): def __init__(self): db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="MyUser", passwd="MyPassword", db="Stuff") def cursor(self): cursor = db.cursor() return cursor then have in my threads that need to connect cursor = db.cursor() cursor2 = db.cursor() and so on ? i may be way outta whack here. i am still new at classes, methods, and modules. i do have Essential Reference on the way from Amazon though ! :) thanks again --