Philippe Martin wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>> [Please don't top-post]
> OK I won't, is that a general rule? (I've been top posting for quite some
> time now and it is the first time I see that warning)

Yes. Other suggestions you might get are not to bottom post, and certainly 
not (as you did elsewhere) to post your response as a signature (i.e. 
following a line containing only two dashes and a space).

The accepted way to follow up is to trim the post to which you are 
responding so as to maintain sufficient context to make the post 
intelligible on its own, but not to quote the entire post: most newsreader 
programs will help you in this by either warning or indeed refusing to post 
responses which have too many quoted lines compared with new content.

It is perfectly reasonable if you are making several points to intersperse 
your comments with other quoted sections.

Some newsgroups use a different convention and expect top-posting without 
trimming of the quoted posts, but these very much are in the minority.

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