Julien Fiore wrote:
> Thanks for your remark, Sturlamolden.
> Is there a free version of the "Visual C++ 2003" compiler available on
> the web? I have found "Visual C++ 2005 Express edition"
> (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/visualc/). According to
> Micrsoft, it replaces VC++2003
> (http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/vctoolkit2003/). Is VC++2005ee the
> good compiler to compile a Pyrex module (or any Python extension) ?
> Does it link with msvcr71.dll ?

The bad news is that "Visual C++ 2005 Express" links with msvcr80.dll,
which incompatible with both msvcrt.dll and msvcr71.dll. What you need
is the "Microsoft .NET Framework SDK Version 1.1". It contains version
7.1 of Microsoft's C/C++ compiler and links with the correct CRT.


I am not sure if this is an optimizing compiler. Microsoft did not give
away their optimizing compiler prior to "Visual C++ 2005 Express". Even
the standard version of Visual Studio did not have an optimizing
compiler, it only shipped with the professional and enterprise
versions. If this compiler does not optimize, you may try to make
"Visual C++ 2005 Express" use the import library for msvcr71.dll which
ships with the .NET SDK.

Now you know the meaning of the word "DLL HELL".


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