Excellent. Got that working. Now, how to get the pickled data out of
the database?
I'm trying to use cPickle.loads(data) (code attached), and I get a:
"TypeError: loads() argument 1 must be string, not list" [...]
c.execute("select Images from FileURLInfo where URL= ?;", (DBURL,))
KnownFilesResult = c.fetchall()
print KnownFilesResult #where I get a r/w buffer, as expected
No, you actually get a list of 1-tuples and each tuple has one entry: a
read-write buffer. Because of the way you filled the table, the list is
of length 1.
cPickle.loads(KnownFilesResult) #where I get the error described
cPickle.loads will only accept a string, not a buffer, so you need to
convert the buffer to a string first.
So, if you want your code to work, you can use
print cPickle.loads(str(KnownFilesResult[0][0]))
FWIW there are certainly much better ways to solve the task you're
solving here. Because right now you're pickling and unpickling data into
a single table in a relational database. Like you're doing this, this
buys you nothing *and* you get the complexity of relational databases
and object (de)marshaling.
If you want to go the relational way, you can create multiple tables and
using foreign-key relations between them instead of stuffing lists into
columns of a single table by pickling them.
I've attached an example script that can perhaps inspire you.
-- Gerhard
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
cur = con.cursor()
# Create schema
create table page (
page_id integer primary key,
page_url text
create table image (
page_id integer references page(page_id),
image_url text,
imagedata blob
# Insert example data
import urllib
test_data = {
"http://python.org/" : [
"http://ruby-lang.org/": [
for url, img_url_list in test_data.items():
cur.execute("insert into page(page_url) values (?)", (url,))
page_id = cur.lastrowid
for img_url in img_url_list:
image_data = urllib.urlopen(img_url).read()
"insert into image(page_id, image_url, imagedata) values (?, ?, ?)",
(page_id, img_url, sqlite.Binary(image_data)))
# We have a consistent state here, so we commit
# Show the data
select page_url, image_url, imagedata
from page inner join image using (page_id)
order by page_url
for page_url, image_url, imagedata in cur:
print "page_url=", page_url
print "image_url=", image_url
print "len(imagedata)=", len(imagedata)
print "-" * 50