Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ reported ]
> What might stop?

The excessive cross posting.

> I see one technical post every one or few weeks from 
> Xah, followed by a dozen posts from self-appointed library-sushers
> such as Eli and library-shusher-shushers such as you and me, none of
> which are technical.
> The one technical post, whatever one thinks of it, creates no problem;

It does, it's cross posted in too many groups that have no direct relation 
with each other, other then they are programming languages. Xah is 
trolling, you know it, I know it.

> what part of "if you find the content worthless, just ignore it" is
> not understood? Nothing, actually.

If I see someone throwing garbage on the street, should I ignore it? It 
will blow away, or the street cleaners will pick it up. 

I do not ignore it.

> ...reporting Xah to spamcop would be an abuse of spamcop.

You're mistaken. I don't report Xah to spamcop. Spamcop has nothing to do 
with Xah. I *do* report Xah to his ISP / USP and hosting provider though.

John Bokma          Freelance software developer
                    Experienced Perl programmer:

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