Edward Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alex Martelli wrote:
> > At the same time, if the 14% slowdown is representative, then it's not
> > true that the compiler responsible for it "optimizes as well" as the
> > other; indeed, "does not optimize particularly well", under such a
> > hypothesis, would be far from a "beyond BS" assertion.
> Maybe someone with access to Windows and some free time could compare
> pybench compiled under msvc and mingw.  The best way to test the compiler
> is to eliminate all other variables.

I assume you mean "compare pybench on Python 2.4.3 compiled under" etc.
Unfortunately, I suspect the ex-officio gcc defenders will only react by
finding yet another quibble (anything to avoid admitting that gcc may
not be as good at optimizing as a _Microsoft_ product -- perish the
thought!), therefore I'm disinclined to invest my scarce free time in
that particular endeavour.


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