connyledin wrote:
> Im trying to create a version of the game Wumpus. Mine is called
> Belzebub. But im STUCK! And its due tuesday 2 maj. Im panicing! Can
> some one help me??
> here is the file:
> What i have the biggest problems with now is between line 8 and 23.
> How i can move the character trough the game. Other parts of the game
> that have with the movement to do is between line 83-114 and 123-143.
> This is part of the spec:
> "The player walks around in the hallways, finds and tries to kill
> Wumpus (Belzebub). The game finishes when the player or Belzebub dies.
>      The player has bombs which he can shoot. When he shoots he can
> controll th ebombs for three moves, north, south, east or west three
> times. If he is not careful he can shoot himself, ex first move:
> north. second move south.
>      Let every room be represented by the object room. In the object,
> information of what exists in the room is stored. (Belzebub,
> teleporters, fire traps, acid traps or nothing). and where the
> halways leads. (north hallway leads to room 17, the east to room 2
> etc.). Create a list of room objects to represent the hallways (every
> room have has a number).
>      The content of the rooms shall be randomized in the beginning of
> the program. Aproximatly 20% of the rooms should contain traps, 30%
> should contain teleporters and in one of the rooms is Belzebub. One
> room can not contain more than one danger, no traps and teleporters
> together etc.
>      Teleporters transports the player from one room to another
> random room. If the player encounters a trap o Belzebub he is killed
> and GAME OVER.
>      The halways should also be randomized in the beginning of the
> program. Like this:
> * Create a list with all the room numbers and shuffle it so all of
> the rooms is in a mixed order. ex. [5 2 12 18 9 1 3 6 14 19 11 7 17 4
> 20 16 10 15 8 13]
> * Connect the rooms in east-west direction so that the east hallway
> from room 5 leads to room 2 and the west hallway from room to leads
> back to room 5 etc. The last room in the lest should be connected
> with the first.
> * Shuffle a new list and do the same thing in north-south direction.
> Once again the file:
> bfad-39999a9e36d0

Once again, that's not a file. And enclose your URLs in <>, that way
Google won't split them.


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