"Steven Bethard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> The make statement was mostly syntactic sugar for::
>    class <name> <tuple>:
>        __metaclass__ = <callable>
>        <block>
> So was technically unnecessary from the beginning. ;)  Here's the one
> post where he presented a few reasons he didn't like it:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-April/000704.html
> He didn't say a whole lot else about it, but when he mentioned that he'd
> like the discussion to end, I offered to end it. ;)

In nice contrast to people who do the opposite when directly requested to 

I think you carried out a model PEP process, making frequent revisions as 
warrented by comments.  I also thought the process had about run its 
course, with pretty much every thing said, with people repeating things, 
and without the proposal gaining enough traction to go anywhere.  So nice 
to end gracefully.

Oh, and I did learn something new about how to 'abuse' class and metaclass.

Terry Jan Reedy


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