John Machin wrote:

> This is called "testing". Yes, it could take a long time.

Thanks for the clarification. ;)  Actually, I've done hellish amounts
of testing on these code pieces, which is why I don't want to have to
do it all over again just to check the imports.

> Consider pychecker and pylint. I haven't tried pylint, but pychecker
> does what you want and a whole lot more:
> C:\junk>type
> # need to import re, but forgot
> def my_isdigit(s):
>      return bool(re.match(r"\d+", s))
> C:\junk>pychecker miss_import
> C:\junk>c:\python24\python.exe
> c:\python24\Lib\site-packages\pychecker\ miss_import
> Processing miss_import...
> Warnings...
> No global (re) found
> C:\junk>

That sounds really useful. I'll check it out. Thanks!


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