Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Carl J. Van Arsdall a écrit :
> (snip)
>> With a file object, to iterate through the lines in a file don't you 
>> have to use readlines()?
> Nope - no more, should I say. The file object is now an iterable. 
> file.readlines() try and read all the file and returns it as a list. 
> It's ok for small files, but can lead to problem with huge ones... using 
> the file as an iterator, you have a lazy read - just like you would with 
> the older file.readline() idiom:
Ah sweet, I didn't realize you could do that, thanks!

> line = f.readline()
> while line:
>    do_something_with(line)
>    line = f.readline()
> but with much less hassle :
> for line in f:
>    do_something_with(line)


Carl J. Van Arsdall
Build and Release
MontaVista Software


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