Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
> Em Qua, 2006-04-19 às 16:54 -0700, mwt escreveu:
> > This works when I try it, but I feel vaguely uneasy about putting
> > method calls in exception blocks.
> What do you put in exception blocks?!

Usually I just print an error message.

> > So tell me, Brave Pythoneers, is this
> > evil sorcery that I will end up regretting, or is it just plain good
> > ol' Python magic?
> IMHO, the exception block in Python is used a lot in places where you
> could use an if-then-else, like your example that could be written as
>     if internet_available():
>         [...] #doing some internet stuff
>     else:
>         alternate_method_that_doesnt_need_internet()
> So yes, I think there's no problem there.

Normally I don't like to use exception blocks to do condition-statement
stuff. At least that is how my Java training has programmed me. But in
this case, the condition is whether the internet connection is working
or not, and I don't see any other way to do it. And furthermore, I
don't know if the exceptions-as-logic is a no-no in Python. Hence the


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