Jorge Godoy wrote:
> Edward Elliott wrote:
> Try using Subversion.  You can work and make diffs disconnected from the
> network.

rcs isn't the issue.  I'm already assuming a local store, a networked one 
just makes my argument even easier.

>>I'm not saying nested comments solve every problem, just that 
> I don't miss them.  :-)

Fair enough.

> Well, I believe they are since it looks like a habit of yours to use
> multiline comments.  It is common for people coming from other programming
> languages that support them.

Yes I cut my teeth on C, C++, and Java.  That was a long time ago.  I don't 
miss them because they're more C-like (the C-family actually has an awful 
implementation), I miss them because they're useful.  Actually I never used 
multiline much until I did a project in ML and saw how they should work.

However the last 4 years I've used Perl, Python, and PHP almost 
exclusively.  I'm used to single-line comments, I just find their 
expressive power lacking.  No shame in borrowing the best features of other 

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