I think this is a lot like I am planning to do, except that the new
classes will be dynamically generated and will have new default values
that I want to specify before I write them to a file.  But how do I do


On 4/19/06, Paul McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Ryan Krauss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> ======================
> I have a set of Python classes that represent elements in a structural
> model for vibration modeling (sort of like FEA).  Some of the
> parameters of the model are initially unknown and I do some system
> identification to determine the parameters.  After I determine these
> unknown parameters, I would like to substitute them back into the
> model and save the model as a new python class.  To do this, I think
> each element needs to be able to read in the code for its __init__
> method, make the substitutions and then write the new __init__ method
> to a file defining a new class with the now known parameters.
> Is there a way for a Python instance to access its own code
> (especially the __init__ method)?  And if there is, is there a clean
> way to write the modified code back to a file?   I assume that if I
> can get the code as a list of strings, I can output it to a file
> easily enough.
> ======================
> Any chance you could come up with a less hacky design, such as creating a
> sub-class of one of your base classes?  As in:
> class BaseClass(object):
>     def __init__(self):
>         # do common base class stuff here
>         print "doing common base functionality"
> class SpecialCoolClass(BaseClass):
>     def __init__(self,specialArg1, coolArg2):
>         # invoke common initialization stuff
>         # (much simpler than extracting lines of source code and
>         # mucking with them)
>         super(SpecialCoolClass,self).__init__()
>         # now do special/cool stuff with additional init args
>         print "but this is really special/cool!"
>         print specialArg1
>         print coolArg2
> bc = BaseClass()
> scc = SpecialCoolClass("Grabthar's Hammer", 6.02e23)
> Prints:
> ----------
> doing common base functionality
> doing common base functionality
> but this is really special/cool!
> Grabthar's Hammer
> 6.02e+023
> If you're still stuck on generating code, at least now you can just focus
> your attention on how to generate your special-cool classes, and not so much
> on extracting source code from running classes.
> -- Paul
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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