Aahz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Example: I use usually a very simple classes. When I add "(object)" to
> >my class definitions, the code continues to works fine -- plus I have
> >new features to use.  Why this cannot be done automatically? What could
> >be broken in the old code if it was threated so?
> Method resolution order is the primary up-front difference, but
> introspective code can also have problems.  If you're tired of adding

The crucial difference between the old-style classes and the new ones is
about how Python lookups special methods.  On an instance of an
old-style class, the lookup is on the instance itself:

>>> class old: pass
>>> o=old()
>>> o.__str__=lambda:'zap'
>>> print o

while on new-style classes, the lookup is ONLY on the class:

>>> class new(object): pass
>>> n=new()
>>> n.__str__=lambda:'zap'
>>> print n
<__main__.new object at 0x51a4b0>

The change is in fact a very important improvement, but it badly breaks
backwards compatibility, which explains why it can't be applied
automatically (within the 2.* line).


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