Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
> Em Dom, 2006-04-16 às 19:22 -0400, Kun escreveu:
>> i have a form 
> Which kind of form? Which toolkit?
>> which takes in inputs for a mysql query. one of the inputs 
>> is 'date'.  normally, a user has to manually enter a date, 
> Enter the date in which kind of control?
>> but i am 
>> wondering if there is a way to create a button which would automatically 
>> insert today's date in the date form field if the user chooses to use 
>> today's date.
> Almost 100% sure that there is, but I can't tell you if or how if you
> don't tell us how you are doing what you are doing.
Form is an html form called by a python cgi file using fieldstorage.

Date as in '2006-04-16'... is that what you meant by control?

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