On Sun, 16 Apr 2006 12:16:39 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> So, let me say firstly that I wish the following code to be put into
>> the public domain
> so you're taking the work by others ("for m in x", "print m", and so on)
> and think that by posting it to usenet as if you wrote it yourself, you
> can release it into the public domain ?


You're joking, right?

Look, I'm not having a good run at the moment telling when folks are being
funny, so if you trying to introduce a note of levity into the discussion,
ha ha I laughed so much my sides burst.

But if you are being serious, and for the benefit of anyone else out there
who doesn't get the joke and thinks there is something of substance to
your claim:

(1) If I didn't already have the copyright to the code, I simply can't
transfer ownership to it or reassign copyright no matter what I say;

(2) If you read my post, I think it is abundantly clear that my intention
was not to claim copyright on it at all;

(3) Only because the Original Poster appeared to be concerned about
copyright on the code I posted, I released it, simply to reassure the OP;

(4) As far as me posting individual Python statements (like for, print
etc.) as if I wrote them myself, that's ludicrous. A writer's copyright on
a work does not imply copyright on the individual words; likewise a
programmer's copyright on a program does not mean he claims copyright on
the language itself.

So, just so there is no misunderstanding:

- I did not write the Python language, I do not have ownership of the
copyright to the Python language, and it is not my intention to transfer
copyright of the Python language (in whole or in part) to the public
domain, even if I were able to, which I am not.

- I do not have copyright on any code not written by me, consequently I'm
not releasing the copyright on any code not written by me.

- I am, however, explicitly releasing from copyright the code written by
me in the earlier message with the subject line "Re: Help with python
output redirection" dated Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:09:17 +1000, and then
re-posted as quoted text in a message with the same subject line dated
Sun, 16 Apr 2006 11:35:04 +1000.

- In the event that the appropriate laws do not allow me to release from
copyright the code, I offer it to anyone who wants to copy such a trivial
few lines of code into their own work with an unlimited, non-exclusive,
transferable, warranty-less licence.

- None of this is a substitute for paying a lawyer many hundreds of
dollars to be told that no judge is going to rule copyright infringement
for copying such a trivial work, and that this whole exercise was an utter
waste of time.

Sheesh. I have to deal with enough legal waffle at work, I didn't think
I'd be held to such pedantic standards about a trivial four-line piece of
code on Usenet.

Oh, Fredrik, if your intention was to demonstrate just what a PITA overly
strict copyright law is, you're preaching to the converted brother.



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