Aleksandar Cikota schrieb:

> Can someone translate the VB code to Python?
> VB code:
> Dim chsr as New DriverHelper.Chooser
> chsr.DeviceType = "Telescope"
> scopeProgID = chsr.Choose(scopeProgID)
> Set scope = CreateObject(scopeProgID)
> scope.Connected = True

(untested; late binding):

import win32com.client

chsr = win32com.client.Dispatch("DriverHelper.Chooser") #you may have to
choose the ProdID of the class from the registry here

chsr.DeviceType = "Telescope"
scopeProgID = chsr.Choose(scopeProgID)
scope = win32com.client.Dispatch(scopeProgID)
scope.Connected = True

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
  Ing. Gregor Horvath, Industrieberatung & Softwareentwicklung
  Mobil: +43(0)69910879004
  Fax: +43(0)1/25330333931

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
  Ing. Gregor Horvath, Industrieberatung & Softwareentwicklung

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