"BartlebyScrivener" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yes, but for some reason, I get more and better help here with Python
> than on xemacs.   Or maybe I've just had bad luck. Something like the
> following just leaves me scratching my head. I'm on Windows XP and
> never compiled anything that I know of.  I'd rather pay $30 and have
> the editor work.

Well, I'd pay too, but my experience is that no editor *always* works
for me, and ability to fix it (or fine-tune for my own needs) is indeed
essential for me. To the extreme that I'd rather learn some lisp to be
able to (and besides lisp being fun to learn) ;) That said, I do think
(X)emacs is not very suitable for casual user, but it starts to pay back
for investments put into it pretty soon.

BTW, what you've cited below sounds just like messed/broken Emacs
installation (maybe installing one version on top of another, or mixing
Emacs and XEmacs installations, or borrowing some files from separate
archives -- difficult to say exactly), as you normally don't need to
compile anything. Not to mention the fact that Windows is rather new
platform for emacsen, so quite a few OS-specific issues could well be
unresolved or simply be buggy indeed.

Well, I think we should better stop this as an OT anyway.

-- Sergei.

> "BartlebyScrivener" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I tried searching on this but I don't see exactly my error message.
>> When I open a php file for editing, I get: "file mode specification
>> error: (void-function run-mode-hooks)"
>> What line do I need to add to my .init file to make this stop?
> You are using .elc files compiled with a different version of Emacs.
> Recompile them.
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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