> I am trying to grab the following string out of a text file using regular
> expression (re module):

While I'm all for using regexps when they're needed, are you 
sure you need the overhead of regexps?

  f = open("foo.txt", "r")
  for line in f.readlines():
  #    if '"DcaVer"=dword:' in line:
      if line.startswith('"DcaVer"=dword:'):
          value = int(line.split(":", 1)[-1], 16)
          print value

If you absolutely must use a regexp,

  import re
  f = open("foo", "r")
  r = re.compile(r'"DcaVer"=dword:([0-9a-fA-F]{7})')
  for line in f.readlines():
      m = r.match(line)
      if m:
          value = int(m.group(1), 16)
          print value

should do the trick for you.  This assumes that each string 
of hex digits has seven characters.  Adjust accordingly.



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