In case anybody is interested, here is an update on my reviews for code

AppGini & PHPMagic. ($35 - $70) Cheap and easy to use,   but not very
functional. Okay if you are making flat-file, unsecure, CRUD. No
authentication. No real relational functionallity. No event triggers.

PHPRunner. ($199). Some authentication, but only one level. Some
relational capabilities, not great. Event triggers. Fairly easy to use,
but if you want to relate two or  more tables, you have to hand code
the sql, which sort of defeats the purpose.

dbQwikSite ($140 - $200). Slow and diffecult to work with. In fact, I
couldn't get it to work at all.

dataface (free). Interesting new project. Huge potential. But, not
really completed yet. Relational capabilities, and has event triggers.
No authentication yet. Not easy to work with.


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