Hi Arne,

On 2006-04-08 12:44, Arne wrote:
> I am looking for a way to put ftp returns in a variable.
> My OS is XP and I want to get the owner of a file. So I have to
> connect to ftp. But I am stacked with how I can receive this
> information and put it in a variable.

you can use a library to handle that. One of them is ftputil
( http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/ ), which I know because I'm its
author. ;-) Surely, there are alternatives. You can search the
Python package index at http://www.python.org/pypi .

With ftputil, you would do

import ftputil
host = ftputil.FTPHost(hostname, user, password)
# st_uid is used by Python's os.(l)stat, but it's a string here,
# not an integer
user = host.stat(file_or_dir).st_uid

This works only if the output of the FTP LIST command contains
the user information (which is often the case).

ftputil is pure Python and should work on OS X without problems.

If you think that installing/using an additional library is
overkill, you can extract the necessary parser code from the file
ftp_stat.py or write your own parser.


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