Here are a few languages I recommend most programmers should at least have a peek at:
1) Smalltalk - The original object oriented programming language. Influenced anything from Mac/Windows GUI to Java language. Terse, clean syntax. IDE rolled into an operating system rolled into a set of core libraries. 2) Lisp - Along with FORTRAN, one of the oldest programming languages still in use. Pure functional programming model that is extensible and has many derivatives. Great for mathematical purposes. Easy to learn if you can get past all of the nested parenthesis :-) 3) C - The "Latin" of modern programming languages. Used in low level tasks (e.g. - hardware drivers) as well as larger projects (e.g. - operating systems and other programming languages). Logcal, explicit flow albeit a bit wordy. I have worked in C and Smalltalk for awhile now and just starting to pickup Lisp. Knowing different languages can help you approach problems with a fresh perspective. I prefer to code in Ruby and Python but can use these languages a certain way given the angles I have picked up elsewhere... --