"flamesrock" wrote:

> I'm using IXR_library, which is one of the defato xml-rpc libs out
> there. It seems to be working for other people...
> The reason I think its a python error is because php doesn't understand
> lists, which is what the data is being returned as.

umm.  xml-rpc is a platform-neutral transport protocol, so the lists
you're seeing are lists on the python side, "array" elements on the
wire, and arrays on the PHP side [1].

this quote from the IXR documentation might help:

    "Note that both of the callback functions accept a single argument -
    $args. $args is an array of paramaters received from the XML-RPC
    client. If there is only one argument, $args will be that argument
    rather than an array with only one element."

guess PHP could need a "not enough arguments" error message...


1) the library contains the comment /* Nasty function to check if an
array is a struct or not */, and I'm quite sure Simon's not referring to
the fact that it's written in PHP.


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