> Programing Languiges Are Ment to be free. That is why i am starting The
> <i>Coo De Tar</i> thats french for Blow of state it is a flash/java
> alternative and if you are going to use a server side languige use
> Perl,Python or better yet Ruby. What is the point of a languige without
> a standerd and without a open source distrabution. Coo De Tar will be
> released as a api for perl,python and ruby. Java sucks because it IS
> FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not use java because it is an oxymoron

Wait, you aren't going far enough. All intellectual property is an
afont. You must stop using all patented devices, all copyrighted
materials, and all tradmarked names. Also, if you know any trade
secrets, you must stop using and condoning them as well.

Of course this means you must stop driving cars, for every car has
patented devices. Even many bicycles are so encumbered, so you might
need to walk. But be careful, many shoes are also patented and
trademarked. God only knows if they also use trade secrets as well, but
ignorance is bliss.

You will also find that such devices as microwaves are truely evil. Not
only are they patented, but they also use closed source software to
operate the device. The chips that run this code are very likely
patented as well. Finally, the manual may be copyrighted. No honorable
human being could even consider using such a device as they offend
every ideal we stand for.

While I am typing this, I realised that my computer uses a patented
CPU, and the BIOS itself is not open source. I will need to switch to
an open CPU design, and find an open source BIOS. I will need to be
very careful not to utilize an evil closed source driver for any of my
peripherals, and be certain that none of the devices are patented. This
means I will need to use technology that is 17 years old or more, so I
expect to be back online soo with a 300 baud modem. I'm not sure if
Fast Page Mode memory is free yet, so I will use an iron core memory
just to be sure. I will need to solder together my own devices, as even
though the patents have expired, the old devices are still encumbered
by trademarks. I'll get back to you in 20 years after I have removed
the last traces of evil intellectual property from my life.

So long commrad,

Dean G.


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