Cyril Bazin wrote:
> Postgis is only an extension of Postgres which add new classes and new 
> operations specialised for GIS.
> All you should know, is how to build SQL requests for postgres...
> If you want to be familiarised with the GIS, you should try to make 
> your own little project.
> So you will be able to ask more precises questions.
> Cyril
> On 4/3/06, *Albert Leibbrandt* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi
>     I need to get myself familiarised with GIS, specifically postgis for
>     postgres. Can anyone give some advice, or some docs that start at the
>     beginning. I've tried the postgis mailing list but it does not
>     seem as
>     if that list is very active.
>     Perhaps you guys know of gis packages for python?
>     Thanks
>     Albert
>     --
>     <>
I need to create a sphere with a certain size. I have x and y 
coordinates which I then need to calculated the distances between.
I use postgresql, that is why I am looking at postgis.

If anybody knows of any documentation (except for what is on the postgis 
homepage) please let me know as I seam to have problems with the 
installation, postgres does not recognize the functions although the 
functions exist.


  • Re: GIS Albert Leibbrandt

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