Kent Johnson wrote: > Sion Arrowsmith wrote: > > Eric Deveaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> some moderns editors allow you to comment/uncomment a selected Bunch > >> of lines of code > > > > Out of curiousity, is there a modern editor which *doesn't* allow you > > to comment/uncomment a selected bunch of lines of code? > > > TextPad is my editor of choice but it doesn't have this feature. > > Kent
I also use TextPad - 4.7.3. I have never thought to comment a block of code, but this thread prompted me to see if it is possible. As far as I can see, you can do it like this - Menu > Configure > Block Select Mode - Ctrl+Q,B Select a block, one column wide, using mouse or keyboard. Menu > Edit > Fill Block (brings up dialog box) Fill character: # Format: Left align Fill mode: Replace OK Done. To uncomment, as above but set Fill character to a space. It feels a bit fiddly, but I reckon if you use it a few times it will become quite smooth. Frank Millman --