Sorry for not copying the whole traceback before, I hop I have done it right this time.
I am now getting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 153, in ? for subdir in os.path.istdir(DATADIR): #loop through list of strings AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'istdir' I did think maybe it was meant to be "listdir" instead of "istdir", but that doesn't work either. Sorry to be a pain. Peter Hansen wrote: > k r fry wrote: > >> Hi, I am new to this list and also programming with python. >> >> I have an error: oserror [errno 20] not a directory "" > > > Please always post complete tracebacks, and without manually reentering > the data. In most cases you'll save us and you lots of time and guessing. > >> The piece of code causing the problem is: >> [code] >> >> for subdir in os.listdir(DATADIR): #loop through list of >> strings >> >> file=FITS.Read(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/flux.fits') #opens >> flux.fits file and reads > > > os.listdir() returns a list of all files and directories inside the > directory specified (DATADIR), so you can't assume that "subdir" is > always going to be a directory. Use os.path.isdir() to confirm that it > is and ignore those items for which that function returns False. > > -Peter > --