"Fredrik Lundh" wrote:
> > I'm not much of an expert in anything yet, but I had an idea, and then
> > managed to put the documents in a wiki, which was at least trying to
> > do something.  Fredrik beat me to it and did a much better job, but
> > even so I feel quite proud that I did something and tried to move
> > things on, rather than just post to a mailing list and hope someone
> > else does it.
> and for the record: the infogami setup had never happened if Ed hadn't
> written that post.

I wouldn't rest on my laurels quite yet if I were you.
You've provided a good piece to take care of the input
collection side of the equasion but I've seen nothing
that deals with the output side (wiki -> docs).  Are the
same people who don't have time to deal with doc patches
going to be sifting though the wiki entries, editing for
consistent style, etc, and updating the docs?  Without
that we have just YAW (yet another wiki).

I notice that Postgresql has user-annotated pages.  They
dump the added comments with each new doc point release
becauase it is too much work to merge them into the docs.

> (sure, the wiki idea isn't new, and I've been investigating edit-through-
> the-web solutions a lot lately in response to the python.org fiasco, but
> there's a lot of stop energy in the python universe these days.  python
> needs more "let's try it; it may work" and less "let's set up a committee
> and thoroughly investigate all possible technical solutions before anyone
> is allowed to do anything"...)

The two approaches are often not mutually exclusive.


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