Perhaps what you have said is correct. But XML is more direct for
programmers and readers in my view point.

bayerj 写道:

> Mind, that XML documents are not more flexible than RDBMS.
> You can represent any XML document in a RDBMS. You cannot represent any
> RDBMS in an XML document. RDBMS are (strictly spoken) relations and XML
> documents are trees. Relations are superior to trees, at least
> mathematically speaking.
> Once you have set up your system in a practicable way (e.G. not needing
> to create a new table via SQL Queries for a new type of node, which
> would be a pain) SQL is far superior to XML.
> Anyway, cElementTree seems to be the best way to go for you now. Its
> performance is untopped by any other python xml library, as far as I
> know.


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