Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
> Hello,
> from time to time I want to inspect the source code of projects
> on remote computers.(*) I've googled for one or two hours but
> didn't find anything helpful. :-/ I'm looking for something like
> IDLE's path browser - i. e. a tree view and file view
> side-by-side - but with the following differences:
> - doesn't need an X connection to the remote computer where the
>   sources are
> - must also work with other programming languages (ideally with
>   syntax highlighting)
> - consequently, the tree view will not be based on a module
>   search path but on a file system directory
> Ideally, but not necessesarily, this browser should be written in
> Python. If possible, it should be open source software. It _must_
> run on GNU/Linux and, if possible, on Mac OS X (a local X server
> is ok if the mentioned browser is a curses-based program).
> (Another approach might be a small web application server in the
> spirit of "pydoc -p <port>" which could connect to a local port
> forwarded with ssh.)
> Does anyone know of a source code browser which meets the
> requirements listed above or links that could help me? Many
> thanks in advance. :-)

emacs + emacs code browser.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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