"John Salerno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I just noticed on one page of the Python website that it said:
> "We are pleased to announce the release of Python 2.4.3 (final), a
> bugfix release of Python 2.4, on March 29, 2006."

I believe today was the target date for this.  Given that there have been 
no mentions of problems either here or on py-dev, I would expect it to have 

> Yet elsewhere it refers to it as a "release candidate" and still refers
> to 2.4.2 as the "current production version".

You seem to have caught the site in an inconsistent state.  Perhaps you 
could revisit in a day and if problems continue, email the web maintainers 
(link on sidebar) with the cut and pasted urls of offending pages.

Terry Jan Reedy


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