Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote: > As you said, ....There is no solution? I mean, tracing a real session > without using tricks like hidden field and cookies in CGI script?
As people have said, this isn't a limitation of python, it's a feature of HTTP. You might want to consider whether you actually need sessions - see if you can design your application to use REST (see e.g. , or there's lots of information on Google). People have also mentioned this in passing, but third alternative to cookies and hidden fields is to use a session key in the query string - this can be used for GET requests, so would work in redirects as well as form submissions. Try: http://yoursite.example/page?session=key Then you need to remember, whenever you include a link to your site that should retain the session information to add the session key to the URL. You could define a function: def session_url(url, key, **params={}): qstring = "%s=%s" % ('session', urllib.quote(key)) for (name, value) in params.items(): qstring += "&%s=%s" %(urllib.quote(name), urllib.quote(value)) return qstring And use it like: #Do redirect print "Location: " + session_url('new_page', session_key) Or: # Redirect to a page that loads the item called 'anitem' print "Location: " + session_url('new_page', session_key, {'item', 'anitem'}) If you want to link to this URL in an HTML page, you need to remember to escape the '&' character: print "<a href='%s'>Edit item %s</a>" % (cgi.escape(session_url('edit', session_key, {'item', item_name})), item_name) Then, if you need to submit a form, you can add the key as a hidden field. --