
 > You compare a module.CONSTANT to the result of an expression

s/an expression/a binary operation/


Joel Hedlund wrote:
>>If it weren't for the current CPython optimization (caching small 
> This has already been covered elsewhere in this thread. Read up on it.
>>this code which it appears you would support writing
>>   if (flags & os.R_OK) is os.R_OK:
> I do not.
> You compare a module.CONSTANT to the result of an expression (flags & 
> os.R_OK). 
> Expressions are not names bound to objects, the identity of which is what I'm 
> talking about. This example does not apply. Also, the identity check in my 
> example has a value equality fallback. Yours doesn't, so it really does not 
> apply.
>  > (I think you should give it up... you're trying to push a rope.)
> I'm not pushing anything. I just don't like being misquoted.
> Cheers,
> Joel Hedlund

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