Please let me state off the cuff that I'm not after a big "Python Vs
Ruby" war or anything here! I'm trying to make the switch to Python for
my web development work as I've been using it for quite some time for
other programming work (albeit mainly hobby and personal interest
projects) as I'm getting to the stage where the need for a real MVC
capable language framework is a must simply to save some time and PHP
just isn't cutting it (although CakePHP is all right and the new Zend
framework looks to hold some promise).

Here's where I'm in a pickle! I would prefer to stick with Python as I
am enjoying it BUT Ruby on Rails is simply too hard to deny a look in.
The ease that it provides in generating scaffolding and the intuitive
templating engine is just plain good, adding in to this the RadRails
Eclipse plugin for a beautiful IDE (I know, I know how great
vim/emacs/whatever is but still, if RadRails is going to save some time
frankly I'm liking it already!). I'm aware that Pylons is trying to
compete with Rails in the near future but I'm just not clear on how
directly they are trying to compete...will Pylons have the same
generation functions and other time saving goodies that RoR has or am I
barking up the wrong tree?

Basically I'm not going to abandon Python because I find it fits me
better as a language than Ruby, but when I need to be able to develop
good, stable MVC web apps in a small amount of time I don't want to be
wasting my time waiting for Python to deliver something it's just not
going to (I also forgot to mention I don't want to run on a custom
little webserver, I prefer the piece of mind I have with Apache - in
true LAMP style :P).

So I'm asking for ANY opinions here! For datadriven web apps that need
to be able to support small and large scale distros, can Python deliver
or is RoR the way to go?

Thanks for any help you guys throw at me!! Oh, and any examples like
current big webapps to back up a particular point of view would be
greatly appreciated too! Thanks!


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