Ok, so i've whipped up this GUI with wxPython but I realize that it 
might hinder the sort of thing I wantto do. What do I want to do?

Basically its a note taking app that should present little boxes of text 
to the user. Also the boxes can be interconnected which is signified by 
arrows between the boxes. Yes, a little like cmaptools 

So wxPython makes it easy to use the usual widgets (esp. textviews and 
treeviews) which I need, but its rather hard on the graphical side (for 
example: I also like the idea of continous zooming *shudder*).

I've found that maybe pygame could give me the "java swing" like 
expressivenes I want; however I'm unshure whether it supports easy text 
editing facilities (I'll be needing syntax highlighting featues soon) 
and the above mentioned general widgets?

There seem to be several packages providing this for pygame; whcih do 
you recommend and why (and which not and why).

Also, feel free to suggest other toolkits with respect to the above.


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