On 24/03/2006 8:36 AM, Peter Otten wrote: > John Machin wrote: > >>You can replace ALL of this upshifting and accent removal in one blow by >>using the string translate() method with a suitable table. > > Only if you convert to unicode first or if your data maintains 1 byte == 1 > character, in particular it is not UTF-8. >
I'm sorry, I forgot that there were people who are unaware that variable-length gizmos like UTF-8 and various legacy CJK encodings are for storage & transmission, and are better changed to a one-character-per-storage-unit representation before *ANY* data processing is attempted. :-) Unicode? I'm just a benighted Anglo from the a**-end of the globe; who am I to be preaching Unicode to a European? (-: -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list