John Machin wrote:
> On 24/03/2006 6:44 AM, Larry Bates wrote:
>> Derek Basch wrote:
>>> How can I return:
>>> ".666"
>>> from float:
>>> "0.666"
>>> This is what I have so far:
>>>>>> "%.6f" % x
>>> Thanks Everyone,
>>> Derek Basch
>> This works but I'm not entirely sure I know what you are
>> trying to accomplish.
>> ("%.3f" % x)[1:]
>>>> x = 12345.666; ("%.3f" % x)[1:]
> '2345.666'
> I'm sure of neither what the OP is trying to accomplish nor what Larry's
> definition of "works" is :-)
> Perhaps the condition abs(x) < 1.0 is implied ...

For the example given, my code works.  With so little information
the only thing I could do is answer the specific question and
caveat it that I don't know "exactly" what OP is trying to accomplish.
By the OPs response to my post, it was what he was looking for.
But I agree it is very much an edge-case question.

-Larry Bates

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