gregarican wrote:
> Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
>>shovel huge amounts of data
> That right there basically takes XML-RPC off the table as a viable
> solution. No matter how much fine tuning you try large amounts of data
> don't bode well using XML-RPC. The other posted alternatives are
> certainly worth a shot. From CORBA to cPickle to even a basic TCP
> socket connection would be more efficient. I have used XML-RPC for very
> small recordset transfers but I wouldn't use it for anything large.
I am continually surprised that the industry as a whole has become so 
enamoured of XML that people persist in using it for tasks it was never 
designed nor intended to be used for.

I suppose there *was* a good reason for using XML-RPC in the first place?

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd       
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