
Thanks for the reply.  Consider the following situation:

A set of variable names is defined along with a list of possible values for each.   A second set of variable names is defined along with an _expression_ for generating a value for each.  For each possible permutation of variables from the first set, a python script is created that contains commands that initialize the variable set with the permuted values.  A second python script is created that contains commands for connecting to a database and storing the values of the second set of variables after running the associated _expression_ for each.

We would like to be able to use the scripts above to drive a python script containing a system of equations specified at run time and to store the results.  This "master" script contains the following calls:

import somemodule

# do stuff ...

# initialize permuted variables

# do more stuff ...

# store results

# do more stuff ... Etc.

We would like for the call to init to initialize variables in the context of the "master" script.  To do this inside somemodule we use the sys.modules dictionary to find a reference to the master module by name and initialize variables at this reference. 

What I would like to know if it is arbitrarily possible to "walk" the import hierarchy from any point.  It is not apparent that python's optimization of subsequent imports of the same module is relavent.

On 3/21/06, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Eric White wrote:
> Is it possible to determine the name of the module that invoked import
> from within the imported module?

Almost anything is possible in Python.  On the other hand, some things
are probably impractical, and others ill-advised.  Perhaps you can
describe your requirements, *why* you want to do this, to provide some
context for the answers.

Also, consider that the effect of the import statement is different
after the first import.  When an already-imported module is imported by
another module (i.e. the second time "import xxx" is executed for your
module), the code is not reloaded from the .pyc file, but instead a
reference is retrieved from sys.modules where it was cached when the
first import was executed.  What are you expecting to happen in that case?




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