ANN: pywinauto 0.3.0 released - now localization proof


The 0.3.0 release of pywinauto is now available.

pywinauto is a set of open-source (LGPL) modules for using Python as a
GUI automation 'driver' for Windows NT based Operating Systems

SourceForge project page:

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Here is the list of changes from 0.2.5:

0.3.0 Added Application data - now useful for localization testing

  * Added automatic Application data collection which can be used
    when running the same test on a different spoken language
    version. Support is still preliminary and is expected to change.
    Please treat as early Alpha.

    If you have a different language version of Windows then you can
    try this out by running the example with the
    langauge argument e.g. ::

      examples\ language

    This will load the application data from the supplied file
    notepad_fast.pkl and use it for finding the right menu items
    and controls to select.

  * Test implementation to make it easier to start using an
    application. Previously you needed to write code like ::

      app = Application().connect_(title = 'Find')

    1st change was to implement static methods ``start()`` and
    ``connect()``. These methods return a new Application instance
    so the above code becomes::

      app = Application.connect(title = 'Find')

    I also wanted to make it easier to start working with a simple
    application - that may or may not have only one dialog. To make
    this situation easier I made ``window_()`` not throw if the
    application has not been ``start()ed`` or ``connect()ed`` first.
    This leads to simpler code like::

      app = Application()

  What happens here is that when you execute any of
  Application.window_(), Application.__getattr__() or
  Application.__getitem__() when the application hasn't been connected
  or started. It looks for the window that best matches your
  specification and connects the application to that process.

  This is extra functionality - existing connect_() and
  start_() methods still exist

  * Fixed HwndWrapper.SetFocus() so that it would work even if
    the window was not in the foreground. (it now makes the window
    foreground as well as giving it focus). This overcomes a
    restriction in Windows where you can only change the foreground
    window if you own the foreground window.

  * Changed some 2.4'isms that an anonymous commenter left on my
    blog :-) with these changes pywinauto should run on Python 2.3
    (though I haven't done extensive testing).

  * Commented out
    and TabStates() as these did not seem to be returning valid
    values anyway.

  * Fixed documentation issues were parts of the documentation were
    not getting generated to the HTML files.

  * Fixed issue where MenuSelect would sometimes not work as
    expected. Some Menu actions require that the window that owns the
    menu be active. Added a call to SetFocus() before selecting a menu
    item to ensure that the window was active.

  * Fixed Bug 1452832 where clipboard was not closed in

  * Added more unit tests now up to 248 from 207

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