Mark Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'd like to propose a coding challenge of my own. The challenge is to > reproduce the TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorith): > > in your language of choice. > > Here's the code, just two simple functions: > > void encipher(unsigned long *const v,unsigned long *const w, > const unsigned long *const k) > { > register unsigned long y=v[0],z=v[1],sum=0,delta=0x9E3779B9, > a=k[0],b=k[1],c=k[2],d=k[3],n=32; > > while(n-->0) > { > sum += delta; > y += (z << 4)+a ^ z+sum ^ (z >> 5)+b; > z += (y << 4)+c ^ y+sum ^ (y >> 5)+d; > } > > w[0]=y; w[1]=z; > } > > void decipher(unsigned long *const v,unsigned long *const w, > const unsigned long *const k) > { > register unsigned long y=v[0],z=v[1],sum=0xC6EF3720, > delta=0x9E3779B9,a=k[0],b=k[1], > c=k[2],d=k[3],n=32; > > /* sum = delta<<5, in general sum = delta * n */ > > while(n-->0) > { > z -= (y << 4)+c ^ y+sum ^ (y >> 5)+d; > y -= (z << 4)+a ^ z+sum ^ (z >> 5)+b; > sum -= delta; > } > > w[0]=y; w[1]=z; > }
I get it shorter than in C: (defun op (x a b sum) (logxor (+ (ash x 4) a) (+ x sum) (+ (ash x -5) b))) (declaim (inline op)) (defmacro ciploop ((v w k y z a b c d (sum init-sum) delta) &body body) `(let ((,y (aref ,v 0)) (,z (aref ,v 1)) (,sum ,init-sum) (,delta #x9E3779B9) (,a (aref ,k 0)) (,b (aref ,k 1)) (,c (aref ,k 2)) (,d (aref ,k 3))) (loop repeat 32 do ,@body finally (setf (aref ,w 0) ,y (aref ,w 1) ,z)))) (defmacro c-incf (var expr) `(setf ,var (mod (+ ,var ,expr) #x100000000))) (defmacro c-decf (var expr) `(setf ,var (mod (- ,var ,expr) #x100000000))) (defun encipher (v w k) (ciploop (v w k y z a b c d (sum 0) delta) (c-incf sum delta) (c-incf y (op z a b sum)) (c-incf z (op y c d sum)))) (defun decipher (v w k) (ciploop (v w k y z a b c d (sum #xC6EF3720) delta) (c-decf z (op y c d sum)) (c-decf y (op z a b sum)) (c-decf sum delta))) You can also easily modify it to implement the improved version of TEA... Note that this Lisp programs will work equally well on a 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit Common Lisp implementation. The same cannot be said of the C program above. ;; Let's add a testbed: (defun word (a b c d) (dpb a (byte 8 24) (dpb b (byte 8 16) (dpb c (byte 8 8) d)))) (defun read-words (bits what) (loop for bytes = (progn (format *query-io* "Please enter ~D bits of ~A: " bits what) (ext:convert-string-to-bytes (read-line *query-io* nil nil) ext:*TERMINAL-ENCODING*)) while (< (* 8 (length bytes)) bits) finally (return (loop for i from 0 by 4 below (truncate (+ 7 bits) 8) collect (word (aref bytes (+ i 0)) (aref bytes (+ i 1)) (aref bytes (+ i 2)) (aref bytes (+ i 3))) into words finally (return (coerce words 'vector)))))) (defun test () (loop with code = (vector 0 0) with decr = (vector 0 0) for clear = (read-words 64 "clear text") for key = (read-words 128 "key") do (progn (encipher clear code key) (format t "(encipher ~S ~S)~% --> ~S~%" clear key code) (decipher code decr key) (format t "(decipher ~S ~S)~% --> ~S~%" code key decr) (unless (equalp clear decr) (format t "!!! ERROR !!!~%"))))) [11]> (test) Please enter 64 bits of clear text: Hello World! Please enter 128 bits of key: John McCarthy invented LISP. (encipher #(1214606444 1864390511) #(1248815214 541942595 1634890856 2032167278)) --> #(913593965 183139965) (decipher #(913593965 183139965) #(1248815214 541942595 1634890856 2032167278)) --> #(1214606444 1864390511) Please enter 64 bits of clear text: Big Secret: LISP! Please enter 128 bits of key: A very very secure key. (encipher #(1114203936 1399153522) #(1092646501 1920540790 1702000928 1936024437)) --> #(3198111104 1851109064) (decipher #(3198111104 1851109064) #(1092646501 1920540790 1702000928 1936024437)) --> #(1114203936 1399153522) Please enter 64 bits of clear text: ^C -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ ATTENTION: Despite any other listing of product contents found herein, the consumer is advised that, in actuality, this product consists of 99.9999999999% empty space. --