Hello, it's time for the 7th Python Bug Day. The aim of the bug day is to close as many bugs, patches and feature requests as possible, this time with a special focus on new features that can still go into the upcoming 2.5 alpha release.
When? ^^^^^ The bug day will take place on Friday, March 31st, running from 1PM to 7PM GMT (9AM to 3PM Eastern time). You don't need to be around all day; feel free to stop by for a few hours and contribute. Where and How? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To join, stop by the IRC channel #python-dev on irc.freenode.net, where efforts will be discussed and coordinated. We'll collaboratively go through the Python bug database at SourceForge and fix things as they come up. IMPORTANT: *No* prior knowledge of the Python source is necessary to participate! You'll get all assistance the developers can offer for starting up with helping, this is in fact a good opportunity to learn the basics. Bug day participation helps the developers and makes Python 2.5 a better release by reducing the backlog of bugs and patches. Plus, it's fun! More information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For instructions and more information, see the Wiki page at http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/PythonBugDay Cheers, Georg -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list