Dear counters, I have also encountered the above problem, and I frequently use the two blocks of code below.
The first one is commented already - except that this version does not start from an empty dict. The second "inverts" the first one. Meaning that a dict in word2hits style: my_dict['the'] = 120 my_dict['word'] = 4 ... my_dict['gene'] = 4 becomes a dict in hits2words style: new_dict[4] = ['word','gene', ...] new_dict[120] = ['the', ...] I used these to count genes in in abstracts from pubmed the when I "invented" them (but it took some time to remove them from the code and use them as functions). def dict_add(indict,inlist,init=1): for item in inlist: if indict.has_key(item): indict[item] += 1 else: indict[item] = init return indict # end def def dict_invert(indict): new_dict = {} for key in indict.keys(): if new_dict.has_key(indict[key]): new_dict[indict[key]].append(key) else: new_dict[indict[key]] = [key] return new_dict #end def A good idea could be to change the header of the first one (if you want the option to start counting from zero) into: def dict_add(inlist,indict={},init=1): /P9K --