You can make it a service, which has an advantage, that it survives logouts. SOME PROGRAMMING IS REQIURED. If I need something running the "fast and dirty" way, I run a regular python application as window application (start pythonw.exe). As a way o communication (start, stop, pause) I use tray. If you nee an example of such a program, I can send one.
"rodmc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >I have written a small server application (for Windows) which handles > sending and receiving information from an instant messaging client and > a database. This server needs to run 24/7, however it stops when the > computer screen is locked. > > I assume there is a way to make it run in the background 24/7 but how > do I go about doing this? > > At present the application runs from within a wxPython GUI, however > this is only used to start and stop it. It could be entire faceless and > the GUI only used to execute it. > > Best, > > rod > --