> Don't seem to see much progress in getting out a new version of Jython.
> The last beta was out in March 2005. When will a final release be made?

Not sure, but I've been checking jython-dev and jython-checkins once
every few days (yes, I am *that* interested in Jython).

Seems that Frank Wierzbicki and Otmar Humbel have been quite busy in
the past 2 months! :) Keep your fingers crossed.

I hope Frank will finish the new website and get back to Jython itself
soon. (Not to discount anything that Frank has been doing, but IMHO the
old website was just fine.)

For myself, I've been looking into Jython code whenever I have the
time, I hope I can help one day and contribute instead of just checking
those two lists like 4 times a week :)


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