I've been teaching myself Python as part of my senior design project at

The obstacle our group currently faces is communicating with a
microcontroller (ACS USB Servo II) that appears in Windows as a USD
HID. Unfortunately, the vendor's sample code is in Visual Basic and
Visual C++ which none of our group members have any experience using.

My hope is that someone has experience with this type of problem and
can point me to some reference material. At this point I'm a bit lost
in the morass of USB terminology.

While I'm at it... if anyone knows of a better way to approach this
problem (serial or parallel microcontroller) or another language with
better tools, I'd appreciate that as well. We're just trying to turn
several motors on and off while polling some photodiodes and all this
HID business seems like unnessary overkill.

Any assistance much appreciated,


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