This behavior seems to be commonly wanted by people discovering Python, and it is the rare case of something one can imagine that is really a stretch to achieve in Python. Because more or less than one name may refer to an object, in general an object can't know its name.
You can get part of the way there with fred = C("fred") and assign the string to in the constructor. But you must strictly enforce a convention in your code that the reference fred is not reassigned to another referent for this to be of much use. I got in some trouble in these parts a few months back for advocating some sort of immutable reference, like fred -> C("fred") where any reassignment of the refernce during the lifetime of the referent would raise an exception. This seems to be seen as wrongheaded by greater pythonistas than myself. I don't fully understand *why* this is a bad idea, but my intuitive idea that it would be very valuable has gone away. mt --