cesco wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install the numpy library (precisely
> numpy-0.9.6-py2.4-linux-i686) on Linux but I encounter several

This is a dumb pre-built binary package (useful perhaps because it links 
against ATLAS already) built using distutils.

You don't build it and install it using setup.py you just un-tar it in 
the / directory and start using it.

You only run python setup.py install when you have a source file.  You 
can download the sources if you want and build it yourself using:

python setup.py install

> Finally I tried to move the folder numpy to the location where all the
> third-party modules are installed, that in my case is
> /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ and run the command from there like:
> python numpy/setup.py install

Presumably, you can copy the files directly there and then start using 
it (don't run setup.py though, there is no need).

After copying the files over to your site-packages directory, just start 
python and do

import numpy



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